Balancer Crystal Exchange

Balancer Crystals are two complementary powers fused and held together in perfect suspension, creating a magical harmony in perfect and eternal equilibrium.

Select Balancer Crystal

Exchange one MAGIC-ETH SLP for each Balancer Crystal (1:1)

View Balancer Crystal Exchange contract


Can I purchase or sell Balancer Crystals?

Yes, Balancer Crystal can be purchased or sold on the Treasure Marketplace.

What are Balancer Crystals used for?

They are used in different ways throughout the Treasure ecosystem (e.g., Bridgeworld) with additional use cases to be released over time.

How do I get MAGIC-ETH SLP?

You can obtain MAGIC-ETH SLP by adding liquidity to the pool on Sushi.

Can I exchange my Balancer Crystal back to MAGIC-ETH SLP?

No. Once MAGIC-ETH SLP has been exchanged to a Balancer Crystal, there is no going back.

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